Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What Happened To Arthur?

My Grandfather died a very long time ago. He died when my Dad was only 11 months old, so they never knew each other. Whatever I learned about my Grandfather, I received from my Aunts who were young women when he passed in 1925.
There were many family stories and beliefs about Arthur D Curtiss that I have found not to be true. Over the last 15 years I have dug into my family genealogy and history following the paper trail to where ever it took me. I discovered the true facts about the death of Arthur because I actually contacted the hospital where he passed away and had them photo copy his records for me. What I found dispelled one very mysterious family legend as to the cause of his death.
I have also discovered things that I think my dear deceased Aunties didn't even know. Things that occurred before they were born. It seems that my Grandparents possibly started their marriage on a very shaky foundation.
As per my usual searching routine, I happened upon I newspaper article dated Wed, May 23, 1906 from the St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette. Page 5
Street Railway Conductor Deserts Wife of Ten Months"
Oh my gosh. This was a shocking article to say the lease. Here it was for all of St Joe, Missouri to read about. After 10 months of marriage something caused Arthur to temporarily bolt from his wife and run away. He was almost 25 years old. He had a good job working as a Streetcar Conductor. Why would he write a note and leave it under the door saying he couldn't live happily with his wife anymore?
The article said the my Grandmother was very sick at the time. I returned to my family tree and found that she wasn't sick in any sense of the word. She was however very pregnant and about to give birth to her first daughter in July. I was beginning to get the picture of what was really going on with Arthur. This was all happening too fast for him to process. A new wife added more responsibility. Now a baby on the way adding even more pressure and responsibility. He must have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed and possibly trapped. He couldn't take the pressure.
But there was a twist to the story. The article also said that his friends thought he had committed suicide! He had told a friend recently he wanted to throw himself into the Missouri River and end it all. Maybe he could go into a state hospital if he acted crazy enough. His friends tried to make light of his talk by teasing that he might not actually be able to stay out of the asylum the way he is!  Running away and committing suicide are two different things! I believed something more than the normal pressures of a new family were at work here. I'm happy to report that he did not commit suicide but returned home at some point as I have census records and photos of them together. There was no follow-up article.
Arthur did in the end die in a State Hospital. His cause of death: Paralysis of the Insane.