Friday, September 25, 2009


After the death of their Mother and Father - 1872/1875 respectively - the siblings of Alfred Leroy Curtiss apparently moved in with their married older sister EFFIE L. (Curtiss) GORMAN. Effie had married Peter Calhoun Gorman June 6, 1876. While searching for Effie L. (Curtiss)Gorman, I came across the 1880 Census and discovered the younger children of Alfred H. & Sarah Ellen Curtiss living in the home of Peter C. Gorman and their sister Effie. The only siblings not living in this home where Alfred L. who'd been married to Mary Ella (Darby) since about 1875. In the 1880 Census they lived in St. Joseph, MO. The other sibling not living in the P.C. Gorman household was Clayton O Curtiss and I don't know what happened to him. Listed in the 1880 Census - 6th Election Dist., Howard County, Maryland (pgs 39/40) P.C. Gorman (27), Effie Gorman (24), Ensie Curtis (23), Elizabeth Curtis (18), Nellie Curtis (14), Clifford Curtis (12).